Doddridge County Public Service District
Currently, less than 20% of Doddridge County has access to public water. There is a growing need in Doddridge County for public water, for both industrial and domestic use, and this need will continue to grow in the future.
In 2016 a master plan was created to provide water service to unserved communities in Doddridge County. This plan allows the DCPSD to apply for applicable funding for different projects as that funding becomes available.
All Board of Director meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 1:00 in the 1st floor conference room of the Doddridge County Administrative Annex located at 99 Court Street in West Union. All meetings are open to the public.
Board of Directors:
Herk Conner
Jennifer Wilt
Lowell McAfee
Administrative Assistant:
Cathy Trent